Yes, i am applying for jobs... Pegawai Farmasi Gred U41.
i have NOT graduate, but is required to apply for jobs...
Government officers came to Uni, giving briefing and distributes form for us to fill in
Online SPA website done, filling in details and apply for government job
Then the Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia form and Lembaga Farmasi form is still not done
Certificates and stuff "flying" over from KCH.. certification not done.
But all of this will be done this FRI.
It is fast. Interview in Mac, 2009 @ Putrajaya.
Final exam (OSCE and Written exam) in beginning april
Then IMU BALL mid April
Convocation end of May May (heard that its no longer Sheraton Hotel, it will be IMU instead)
Move out from Vista in June
Then Wait and wait and wait for posting and letters...
The gov officers said most probably we will start work in JUNE, 2009.
YES JUNE 2009!!! Aduh, i am so not prepared.. eh, emotionally and mentally not prepared.
I love my life now
But the pay for pegawai farmasi makes me feel good~