I'm very happy today. Finally i am able to make animated images.. well, whatever it is called. Thanks to jian who taught me how to create the animation. Jian, i really like your "Miao".
Okay.. today i am very happy, although i woke up early. The earliest ever in this few weeks of study break..other than the exam days of course. Then, my landlord brought us to "Leong Ya", puchong. It is a restaurant okay, unlike the "Leong Ya" in Serdang.
Then, we went back as usual and plan to study or sleep lo. My landlord come back again to our house with a big plastic bag containing lots of smaller plastic bag of Aussino as follows..

okay, i personally won't spend Rm49.90 buying this 3 cotton towel.. because i can't afford to buy towel for that price..But it is an early christmas gift from my landlord and i am more than happy to have it... Tada! The aussino towel.. and behind that, there is aussino bedsheet and pillow case which i bought from The Curve during phylis' birthday celebration.

I know this is my dull life again but it is my blog and i have my rights to post whatever i like.. I can't help myself feeling happy.. if it is not raining i think i would head down to Midvalley (again~)...
This reminds me that christmas is just next month... I love christmas =) When i were still young, my parents used to pretend that they are Santa, and ask me to go to bed early. Then they would put their early prepared christmas present beside my pillow. The next morning, i would be very happy and having very good mood for the whole day...
And today, I am at this situation which make me dun feel like studying... josantoes is always a child.
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