haha.. it's the end of the hospital attachement. It's nice and cold. Yes, putrajaya hospital is cold, damn cold that i have to put on my lab coat for the whole day. despite the food suck, the attachment is great~ people there are nice, not scolding but proper guidance, most importantly, don't have to go to ward everyday, but sitting in a very freaking cold meeting room, clerking case from the computer, YES, COMPUTER!! no blood stain or whatever stain on the BHT, no searching of files from nurse, of course, no sick patient who make me feel sick.
However, my one week of pain came from my back. The whole semester 7, i feel the condition improving, but it's actually not. Its because i don't move that much, then the pain did not disturb me. This week, sitting and standing, walking and still sitting, everyday, i have to eat pain killer to control the pain. however, with all sorts of methods, i get through until 5pm, but when i reach vista, even half way walking back home, my left calf is stiff, and feeling weak. The best thing of the day is to lay down on my bed after attachment for 2-3 hours, let the leg rest and then only i am able to go out for dinner... that would be 8pm at least.
From the first day i got sprained, i am taking pain killer. From paracetamol joint and muscle 500mg TDS to 1000mg TDS, to diclofenac 25mg + muscle relaxant TDS, to diclofenac 50mg + muscle relaxant. Then, to taking norgesic TDS and taking Vitamin b1,6,12... diclofenac 50mg prn with norgesic TDS. then it is ok for the whole semester 7. First day of hospital attachment, norgesic can tahan for half day, then i have to take diclofenac 50mg, with salonplas patch to ease the stiffness and pain until 5... until wednesday, even diclofenac 50mg cannot help that i have to buy new pain killer - meloxicam 15mg/mobic. It freaks me out~!! that i have to take those meds for osteoarthritis. It even make me having insomnia, need to wake up at night, rubbing my back and calf with counterpain... then until friday... its a half day, i cannot tahan taking all these pain killer.. i am only 23, how can i take all these..!!
So, i decided to go to this "urut" place. I dun wan to go initially, because i am afraid that the urut thing will make it worst. I remember irene's leg, having blister with pus after going to urut at that place opposite carrefour. so i go to the one my landlord tell me last week...
well, in the end, i found out that it is chiropractic instead of those urut with smelly OIL... which will stain on the body.. then i am scared la.. but still, have to try mah... that tabib said my pelvic shifted to one side and tat's why the pain is there.. a nd i walk senget one side...ok lo.. it is like massage with some pressure apply on some point.. then form a posture and "piak" sound come out, doesn't hurt tat much tho... then put on those smelly liquid for 6 hours.
ok, so go home and sleep lo.. well, after i woke up... i am able to walk straightly.. and the stiffness gone. pain also gone.. wah! its only rm40!! then the nx day, and today, i went to walk and walk and walk in midvalley, buy mng and zara pants.. eat and eat.. i am so happy! PAIN free period,.. but then, now i am having stiffness again.. hehe mum said walk too much but its only 20% of those pain and stiffness i had previously~
ok, i am going again.. hopefully after a few session, i am able to walk straight and run like a mad cow! i miss those days that i am able to go taekwondo session, swimming everyday, jogging and even wash my car... at the moment, i can only lay down and watch movie.. and i am in love with meredith grey and addison montgomery!

Okay.. one more.. =) charmaine sheh.

ok lo.. will update again after tmr, and for your information, i am not taking any pills for pain! hahahahahah complementary medicine sometimes do work! ok la i know i am weird putting pictures up but i just wana express my love mah
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