Well, christmas is over.. and yet, our celebration is stil on.. okay, we are pretending its christmas eve okay.. and then, there is a small christmas tree too.. of coz we have no turkey, but we've got all the fast food - pizza hut's 3 large pan pizza, KFC 15 pieces chicken, McNugget and soft drink of coz.. not forgetting SINKUI's belated birthday celebration too. .. and this is a special one, as we've got this activity called secret santa.

The last genting trip, we've draw names and we have to find a present for the respective person during the sem break.. then today, we gonna get gift, to be specific, christmas gift and gonna guess who is it from...! and we played "left right" game from Dr Ignacio's charity work video shown yesterday or a few days ago.. hehe.. kinda bored right? but we enjoy it very much.. !!

then we spend the night talking and talking.. because we dun feel like going out... ! and we find things from youtube to watch and laugh.. of coz, there is gossip session.. but its healthy gossip..

i really appreciate this whole group of friends, who then accompany me through the life in imu, making my life in KL colorful and interesting.. well, to be honest, i didn't expect much when i got the offer from imu. Then, there is this stressful warning from the lecturer of course, but there is very encouraging and caring lecturers too.. and see? I use "there is" not there are ( means that there is very minimal )
well, i think i did make a wise choice to come to IMU.. i should stop wondering around and stay focus.. i'm end of third year already.. gotta be serious and enjoy the last 3 semester of my course..

Happy studying, enjoy yourself, have fun and create great memories together~!
Well, more activity coming up, as 2008 is gonna be greater and happier than 2007~!
oh ya, not forgetting you.. although christmas is over and you're going to use ya christmas present to come over to kl.. there will be another small present waiting for you.. hehe.. miss you and see ya soon~
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