Hehe.. the title sounds like i am talking about thesis, or talking about how i have improve my life.. but it's not. .hehehe... ok.. i am gonna show my fattest picture now~Scary wei.. looks like every single cell/fat/adipose tissue is gonna squeeze out! Even i look at it now also OMG!!!! Kia si lang, xia shi ren, hak sei yan, kiang si ngin or whatever u like to say =.=|||
This is with the biggest range clothes and my stomach appear to say HELLO to the world
(fyi, i have 3 range of clothes ready as i know my weight fluctuate and goes up and down)
(fyi, i have 3 range of clothes ready as i know my weight fluctuate and goes up and down)
Then, August 2008, we attend wee and charlyn's graduation.. with this pic below...

This is the middle range shirt, which i cant wear when i am as fat as the first picture and has been in the cupboard for very long time ( i don't remember the last time wearing it as its too long ago and i think i wore less than 5 times until this pic is taken)
This is 3-4kgs lost after the first pic.
Then now...
With sitting some more my tummy does not pop out and say hello..
With the same shirt in the second picture...
And, this is after 5-6 kg from the first pic...
Okay la, show one more..
Okay, side by side comparison!

Changes observed: Double chin thicker on the left, neck is "longer" in black
Steph says look nicer with exercise.
Yes, so i will continue to go jogging and of course, i will eat..
Josantoes is colourless without eating!!
Josantoes had a party just now.. yes, birthday party @ souled out sri hartamas..!
More picture to come.. but put this on first..
She is damn happy la tonight, because phuilin said "how come she can still look pretty in this hat"
And she blushed
hhahhahaha she can't sleep la.. happy until she can't sleep of course!!
But then, sorry la, u have to go camp later and you will look ugly in your camping photos.
Bye bye, have fun in Sg Congkak and see you on sunday~
gosh..really hun. kiam kar aneh cheh kilos liaw lu!!! so niceeeeeeE! keh ew keh ew (jiayou jiayou in hockkien. rofl)! =D
hahaha.. tan lu kin canada tng lai, wo lang chut lai lim teh lo.. heheheh
walau eh...vr funny
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