Whee~ Finally tried this restaurant, newly open in The Garden, from Dragon-i group of restaurant -- > Canton-i. It serves hong kong food, but definitely better than KimG*ry orWongK*K.. The pictures below are taken from MASAK-MASAK food blog =) That owner ate exactly what i ate with kshih just now but we did order the taufu fah - San SHui tau fu fah that always been mentioned in TVB movie ( i think the sri petaling botak apek makes better taufufah lo...

The exterior, this is the 1u outlet but they look exactly the same. So many people waiting and i think it took us around 30mins to wait for 2 seat and we got the middle table which is very close to the two table besides.. the couple sat on my left side really served as entertainment show for both kshih and i, i will tell the story later
Okay, this is what i eat -> dry wanton mee with 2 roast combination

serve with: 1) Roasted Pork (sio bak)

Honey roasted Pork (char sio)
Aduh, the char sio is nice lo, not so fat and not so lean... yum yum...oh we did order one portion of chicken but sorry la, cant find any pic here.. kshih said the chicken is nice, as it is tender and not so well cook. of coz i dun eat that much, as there is blood coming out from the bone and i dun like it le...
okay, kshih ordered the signature shrimp wanton soup noodle. the MASAK MASAK blog only show the shrimp, so i only can put the shrimp here lo

Then, we order the egg tart which is very nice as well.. There is this LCD outside the shop keep showing the process of making the signature dishes and we saw the egg tart. WAH really make my stomach make noise le.. so we order lo

Okay back to the couple sitting beside me. Aduh, its so funny lo, they keep ordering their food until it fills up the whole table - one plate of rice with those mix roasted thing, really big portion. then they order the red bean pig pao like dragon-i, chee chiong fun one plate with 3 really big and thick and with fillings inside, one claypot of chicken i suppose and one dimsum(4 siu mai). They order so much but actually wasted 1/2 of the food they order.. the kids in africa no food to eat le, even the waiter who clear their table also shake his head when he saw almost 3/4 portion of the claypot chicken is untouched.
GOodness, before their food come, they are talking and talking about what to eat lo.. then suddenly the waiter come and take their order, the waiter speak chinese to the lady. but the lady answered in english, talking to the boyfriend le telling him what she wants i suppose and not talking to the waiter. ok lo, the boyfriend makes the order in cantonese while the girl continue ignoring the waiter (with one kind of bitchy and i-am-so-high-class look)
okla, initially i thought she might be a banana and she cannot understand mandarin so she speak english to the boyfriend and ask the boyfriend to order food for her. Manatau when i carefully listen to their conversation...
the boyfriend: Eh, today is exactly one month the day we go taiwan ho
girl: err hmmm..
the boyfriend: ... (continue bla bla bla dunno what he say la i didnt pay attention)
girl: the restaurant at where one le?
(oh my god!!! some pseudo-banana speak "london"/pseudo-english with terms like AT WHERE)
the boyfriend: oh i think food upstairs restaurant better ho (then bla bla bla again)
girl: oh, thing i want to buy one is not this shop one, the one i want is the other shop one
(pseudo-banana, got so many one this and one that is it...???)
then i was like =.=|||.. your english not so good also, pls dun pretend like you do.
It's like oh my god~ pls lo... if you go to english speaking restaurant like italianese, chillis, fair enough lo you can speak english and speak in whatever standard also no one would say a word lo.. but this is a chinese speaking restaurant, and the waiter all speak cantonese or mandarin, dun go pretend you are damn good in english speaking and behave like tat.. aduh.. really cannot tahan ppl like this =.=
GOodness, before their food come, they are talking and talking about what to eat lo.. then suddenly the waiter come and take their order, the waiter speak chinese to the lady. but the lady answered in english, talking to the boyfriend le telling him what she wants i suppose and not talking to the waiter. ok lo, the boyfriend makes the order in cantonese while the girl continue ignoring the waiter (with one kind of bitchy and i-am-so-high-class look)
okla, initially i thought she might be a banana and she cannot understand mandarin so she speak english to the boyfriend and ask the boyfriend to order food for her. Manatau when i carefully listen to their conversation...
the boyfriend: Eh, today is exactly one month the day we go taiwan ho
girl: err hmmm..
the boyfriend: ... (continue bla bla bla dunno what he say la i didnt pay attention)
girl: the restaurant at where one le?
(oh my god!!! some pseudo-banana speak "london"/pseudo-english with terms like AT WHERE)
the boyfriend: oh i think food upstairs restaurant better ho (then bla bla bla again)
girl: oh, thing i want to buy one is not this shop one, the one i want is the other shop one
(pseudo-banana, got so many one this and one that is it...???)
then i was like =.=|||.. your english not so good also, pls dun pretend like you do.
It's like oh my god~ pls lo... if you go to english speaking restaurant like italianese, chillis, fair enough lo you can speak english and speak in whatever standard also no one would say a word lo.. but this is a chinese speaking restaurant, and the waiter all speak cantonese or mandarin, dun go pretend you are damn good in english speaking and behave like tat.. aduh.. really cannot tahan ppl like this =.=
i have many banana fren also, and i never heard this term "at where" and so many "one" in their conversation lo.. sigh.. but good la got entertainment mah wahahahahahaha
yeah, my english is not so damn good, but at least i am not like tat lo.. -.-|||
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