yay! finished CPK class test!~ i think i can do but not sure how much is the score.. CPK = clinical pharmacokinetics by the way.. hehe.. i am kinda happy.. because another 2 more hours.. it will be a birthday celebration ~ eefen & i! well today is eefen's birthday.. mine? not yet. hehe... Looking forward for the dinner.. but i am damn sleepy now..
sleepy bug go away~!
Holiday starts now.. i am not on cny mood yet i dunno why.. my cny shopping is done.. nth much to buy though.. Looking forward for my birthday celebration in kch too.. the last time i celebrated in kch is before i came to imu, and now it's my end of 3rd year.. kinda miss the time - San Francisco grill. =)
no picture to this post of course.. but tonight there will be more~ i am going back to kch for cny.. but there is still no new year mood~ =(
cny might not be a true holiday for me, as there are works to do. Toxicology essay, CTT literature findings and review papers, pbl on prostate cancer.. duh.. never ending...! writing writing and writing.. ooops~ it's typing.. .
josantoes is going to sleep now.. before going for the great and grand celebration!~
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 1:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
A new pair of glasses??
see this? I wanted to find this type of glasses for quite sometime.. but then, i am not able to find one that is suitable for me during my holiday. Then, i bought a pair of glasses for RM220. A few days ago, i come across Zenni Optical with this pair of glasses.. And it is only $8 for the prescription glasses and case. I was like shock!! I made a new pair not long ago with RM220 and now its only like $8?? well, i decided to visit the website and i was impress by the way their sell their glasses. Their price is so much cheaper as they sell their own manufactured glasses to the customer online. There are a variety of choice on the type of frame and lens.
Well, chinese new year coming.. maybe i should get a pair... !!
Labels: stuff
Posted by Unknown at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
My blog...
Today i went to jusco... and it's full of people, yet i don't have the new year mood. Class test before and after cny holiday so i guess it's more like a study break for me. I am going back to kch on friday, 1/2/08 - my birthday eve. Yeah, there is nth to celebrate about because this means that i am getting older, closer to my graduation and nearer to the working life. I really think pharmacist in the hospital is doing a routine job, but who doesn't? i guess everyone has a routine job, more or less doing the same thing everyday. The difference is how you look at the job and how you do it.
Well, bought 2 shirt for cny at least. So, finalize - 1 shoe, 2 new pants and 2 shirts. Not bad. Not spending a lot compared to last year. Well, i am suppose to be happy but in fact i don't quite happy. I need to study for CPK now, or else i am going to end up being sad on thursday after cpk class test.
Do you think every pharmacist can remember all the drug name in the song, mechanism of action, dosage for different condition and side effect of these drugs?? i seriously don't think so, even if there is, it will be a very small percentage.
Not long ago, there is a period of time where almost every blogger stop blogging in my uni. Why?? because we are informed that our lecturers are reading our blog.. well, there are ppl who still blog, but the content isn't the same as the previous. Me?? Well, what the hell, this is josantoes.blogspot.com, not drXXX or prof XXX.blogspot.com; neither parents.blogspot.com..
I like my blog. I like to write about things i like in my blog. I write about my life and all the things that happens to me in the blog so that i would have a record of my life that i can look into in future. There is no one that could ask me to take down or shut down my blog. There is no one that could control on what i write in my blog. I am not mad, so i know what can or cannot be written and i know what is the limit to freedom of speech. That's the same thing i tell my coursemate when they tell me to be careful on what i write because my lecturers are reading it...
Well, what i say is this.. and now, i still say this : This is my blog, you like it you read. You don't like it you don't read. I write because i want ppl to read it. If i write and still worry about ppl reading it, then might as well i don't blog and the host could just shut down blogging.
Yes, i post about a political issue, but it stays, because this is josantoes.blogspot.com.
I'm sorry
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 5:59 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I had renoma undies, tee and a wallet... !!!
birthday is just great!
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
A few days ago, i read the sun newspaper saying that if the country keep subsidizing for petrol, the country will go BANKRUPT. *sweat*
"kita pengeluar minyak... tapi harga masih mahal"
"kita tidak boleh bandingkan harge minyak di singapura, thailand.. sebab kita pengeluar minyak. bandingkan dengan harga minyak di brunai... "
"kita tidak boleh bandingkan harga durian di malaysia dengan harga durian di jepun"
I'm not saying that i will vote opposition party, and i am not saying that the opposition is better. This is just an interesting things to see...
Election. Go register and vote.
Funny. Politics is just complicated. Sigh.
Posted by Unknown at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I signed up for PayPerPost!
blog ethics
I've signed up PayPerPost for quite sometime and finally it is approved today. Well, I saw it in Johnny's blog and i think it is a good way of earning money and make good use of the blog.
It is easy to sign up but your blog must be at least 3 months old. After checking up the details and the guidelines provided in the website, i try to fulfill the requirement and got approved today. Yeah~ i am very happy about it as there will be extra income from my blog. However, there are important features or requirement and make sure you fulfilled all of them before submitting for approval. I have waited since October 2007 to get my blog approved as my blog is new that time.
This is my first post to talk about PayPerPost. It is actually a good idea to sign up and earn some money from blogging. Get paid to blog is a good idea. The thing that i like about payperpost is that the time they process my submission is fast. It responds within 24 hours and i do not have to wait and keep checking email. If there are opportunity in earning from blog, I will use the money earn to get a domain for myself and the rest of the money will be part of my saving. I saw some blogger in payperpost that they are able to earn around $12,000.00 per month. It's great right? But in order to reach that target, there will be a lot more to learn. That is definitely not an easy things to do.
Finally, i would like to spread the good words. Hey, start earning from blogging, visit payperpost now and sign up~
Labels: stuff
Posted by Unknown at 4:11 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
i like~

Thanks everyone :~
Steph, Carol, Sinqi, Eefen, Michie, Phuilin, Pingwei, Meeishya, Kherli, Laipeng...
And i am very very very happy~
To Miss Law Kae Shih : I am waiting for yours. .. ....hahahahaha... you didn't see your name listed right? hahahahha
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008

This is the fish spa.. The fish is fed and trained to eat up the dead skin.. well, sounds very pro right? My legs are in the pool... and the fish is there to eat my leg from the first min until the very last min of the fish spa.. duh luckily its 30mins. It's definitely worth the money if the fish keep eating and eating.. hehe.. it feels weird initially, but i enjoy it much towards the end..
worth trying.. and it's making my leg healthier~
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 8:21 AM 3 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
wow.. josantoes is seeing someone. .hehe!! more party, more outing and more.... more workload ...
portfolios.. PBL... and project... !!
Labels: Study time
Posted by Unknown at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Today i went to pertama complex with steph.. initially, i wasn't going to buy anything.. but in the end, i bought 2 pair of shoes.
This pair is for uni. use... Steph said my shoe is old and doesnt look nice at all.. so i bought this pair of leather shoe with a good price.. because pertama can bargain and there is more discount...

Kshih said : hey u got a lot of shoes already you know.. jst said : eh i know la.. hehe but i wont buy anymore =)
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 5:29 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Follow up~
When josantoes is sick.. the whole gang is sick too, including carol, steph, laipeng and sinqi~ okay.. we know its a virus.. but where does it come from?? i guess it started with someone bringing 1 big box of tissue.. hehe u know who is it right? but then, i thnk i got cold and flu from the damn cold aircon in audi.. hehe
here are some follow up random pics !
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Yay~ after several days of sickness caused by that damn influenza... josantoes finally feels better.. meaning to say its like recover almost 80%..! Just in time for some outing and shopping plan ahead. Well, not planning to shop a lot, as i don't think i will be wearing a lot of casual wear and as for the formal/semi-formal wear, i got a lot - meaning to say, i have enough for 3 weeks non-repeating clothes for uni.. well, tat's a lot right? but i will get some pants too. .as some of the pants has faded and not in a very good condition...duh~ i look so sick. i mean, very pale.. mayb its the flash.. just in time for some outing.. and i am tired.. as tomorrow's and the day after tomorrow's class is 8am in the morning and last til the end of the day.. guess there is no more half day class.. Good day ahead~
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Temporary out~
Josantoes is sick.. and josantoes is sick in bed all alone... !
F*ck you, influenza.. making my eyes "sepet" =.= and sick in bed on holidays.. making me wondering around in 1u cannot even concentrate in seeing stuff...
Josantoes is sick, and there is no one to remind me to take medicine...
Josantoes is sick, and has to take medicine and drink herbal tea on my own..
Josantoes is sick, and kshih is not here - sick life is damn Horrible...
Josantoes is sick in KL, while kshih is also sick in Kuching..
haha.. COincidence.. but FUCK YOU INFLUENZA..
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 5:23 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
Belated celebration~

Well, christmas is over.. and yet, our celebration is stil on.. okay, we are pretending its christmas eve okay.. and then, there is a small christmas tree too.. of coz we have no turkey, but we've got all the fast food - pizza hut's 3 large pan pizza, KFC 15 pieces chicken, McNugget and soft drink of coz.. not forgetting SINKUI's belated birthday celebration too. .. and this is a special one, as we've got this activity called secret santa.

The last genting trip, we've draw names and we have to find a present for the respective person during the sem break.. then today, we gonna get gift, to be specific, christmas gift and gonna guess who is it from...! and we played "left right" game from Dr Ignacio's charity work video shown yesterday or a few days ago.. hehe.. kinda bored right? but we enjoy it very much.. !!

then we spend the night talking and talking.. because we dun feel like going out... ! and we find things from youtube to watch and laugh.. of coz, there is gossip session.. but its healthy gossip..

i really appreciate this whole group of friends, who then accompany me through the life in imu, making my life in KL colorful and interesting.. well, to be honest, i didn't expect much when i got the offer from imu. Then, there is this stressful warning from the lecturer of course, but there is very encouraging and caring lecturers too.. and see? I use "there is" not there are ( means that there is very minimal )
well, i think i did make a wise choice to come to IMU.. i should stop wondering around and stay focus.. i'm end of third year already.. gotta be serious and enjoy the last 3 semester of my course..

Happy studying, enjoy yourself, have fun and create great memories together~!
Well, more activity coming up, as 2008 is gonna be greater and happier than 2007~!
oh ya, not forgetting you.. although christmas is over and you're going to use ya christmas present to come over to kl.. there will be another small present waiting for you.. hehe.. miss you and see ya soon~
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New year, new semester, new me~
Actually, when i left kch on 1/1/08, i was feeling a bit dull.. thinking of the busy schedule waiting ahead, i feel so f*cked up~ But then, when i go imu today for my new semester.. hehe of coz with the same suits as my meez avatar in the sidebar, talking and planing for the events and activities for our gang of friends.. i am feeling happy and excited...! the feeling of university student life is coming back..
Went to sunway today, ate Carl's jr burger.. jco donut, of coz the main purpose is to buy present for the secret santa - christmas celebration coming up this friday, 4/1/08.. yeah, kshih is not here, but nvm, i am gonna miss u~!this is taken during laipeng's bday celebration last year.. yeah, its a belated celebration.. but we enjoy ourselves too. .eh i am wearing the same t shirt today.. duh think should go and buy some more this new year.. .!
and hell yeah ~ i miss you..
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 7:28 AM 0 comments