Nowadays is kind of free.. except i still have a presentation on thurs.. well.. Malaccans go back to hometown, as well as the Perakan.. left alone all the sarawkian in vista.. hehe..
going to watch movie now.. done all the things i plan to do : housework. right, housework. i sweep and mop the floor, as well as doing laundry which i cant remember when is the last time i did all that.. its a very very very relaxing weekend and weekdays...
hehe.. gotta go and watch movie.. and tonight i will prepare and tidy my sem6 notes..
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: Study time
Posted by Unknown at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
TRUST. What is that to be trusted and trust someone? It takes a lot of courageous to trust and to be trusted. Somehow, we deal with trust in our lives.
We have to trust our friends that they don't betray us. We have to trust our team mates to finish the work on time with good quality. We trust our parents to take good care of us and they trust us to do the same to them when they need us. A couple has to trust each other so that they can move on with marriage, sharing their lives and spend the rest of the time together.
A pair of ring is a symbol of trust. It is to reflect to others that someone belonged to someone else and that someone is putting in his/her trust and commit to the other party. It takes a lot of courageous to trust. However, if there is no trust, even the ring is put on, there will be a time where the ring has to be removed.
Imagine your parent don't trust you anymore, they doubt and they deny whatever you tell them, will u be happy?
Imagine your team mates told you he/she has finished the work and will hand in on time but in the end you saw them rushing the assignment at the very last hour of deadline... will you trust them anymore?
Imagine you caught your partner cheating and again you doubt whatever he/she said to you.. do you think you will be happy? And what if you doubt and you go and spy on them without letting them know... one day they find out. Do you think they will be happy ? It will end with tragedy, sadness and disappointment. He/she will lost his/her trust and hope on the other party...
It takes more than courageous to say yes to someone. It takes more than one mistake to ruin the trust. Your parent will trust you even though u lie for the first few times. One day, this is gonna end.
It takes more than love to get married. TRUST is a very important component. Imagine the wife knows that the husband is actually not trusting her.. do you think that there is still a meaning in it?
I don't like marriage. It not only takes up a lot of time, it will also make a mess in some part of life. Commitment and trust is something not measurable by a piece of paper or a ring, or money. It takes time to build up trust to people around you and can be ruin in seconds.
this is life.
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 10:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
好久都没有失眠了. 不对, 应该说是早起了. 有时候, 我一直都会想着同样的问题. 我会一直在犹豫我以后会在那里, 过着怎样的生活... 有时候, 我也会想想下就睡着了...我忘了当初为何选了这一科, 而且我也开始犹豫到底我是不是真的适合?
已经3年了... 该想的也想了.. 读也读了3年. 明年的这个时候我也就要毕业了, 可是, 我真的没有很明确的方向, 只知道毕业以后都是要在政府医院4年... 不知不觉我也变了.
其实我真的不该想的太多... 因为 我也不知道我的路还有多长,多远... 往往梦想和现实是真的相差很远, 我想要的并不是我得到的.. 可是, 最重要的还是在过程中我学到和看到的东西... 我并不后悔我来到这里. 虽然我不是走着我想走的路,可是我走着的路带给我许多的快乐, 也让我理解更多的事情. 时间过了, 我也习惯了... 有时我会怀疑为何当初我会有着那样的梦想... 如果给我多一次的机会,我想, 我还是会选着这个地方.. 不会去发那当初的梦.
我想我真的是很矛盾, 也很奇怪. 可是我就是这样!
Labels: 费话
Posted by Unknown at 4:36 PM 1 comments
Looking out for more~
Okay, the title is not so related on what i am blogging right now.. just that i can't find sth suitable to put on. it's just a random post.. damn it, i am too free and i watched malaysian's dream girl....
duh, i really agree with carol/chze hong that kenny sia is really trying to be simon whoever.. and i really think he is not so suitable of being a judge.. judge is someone that can see things that is not seen by a normal person on a specific field and someone that is giving out positive criticism.. but definitely not someone who choose a candidate bases on solely short skirt and look, or deny someone just because he/she in his/her own opinion that someone is not his/her type.. duh, i stop watching after Episode 1, part 3. ..
then.. it's the end of hospital attachment, end of 77km and 5tolls per day.. end of presentation, end of shooting from lecturers... that's mean i am going to say goodbye to all my books.. well i dun have a lot of books, and i only have a few small books... !
hehe.. my books.. but now i got to sort out my sem6 notes and start to prepare for the study break.. well.. i think i should start to prepare.. prepare means prepare studying.. and prepare to build up the study mood.. it takes quite long to have that onset but i will try....

Posted by Unknown at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sometime, life is just boring.. but if you want your life to be without "boredom", i guess money can take boredom away.. okay, i spend part of my saving to buy this.. for me to kill boredom... kill those irritating moment when i am suppose to study but i just can't concentrate.. kill those waiting time...Finally.. after a long time of consideration.. i brought it back.. and i am happily living with it..
nowadays life begin to be normal, end of those traveling and tiring time spending on the road .. 1 day 77km with 5 tolls.. 8 hours of hospital... but in fact, hospital attachment is kinda relaxing if you able to find a place -- ppl going to HTAR will know where is that place and how our hospital attachment can be relaxing sometime...
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 6:25 AM 4 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Lost and found~
Well, i feel so sad last few days because my Esprit spoiled. No warranty on straps but only movement, so no warranty means i have to pay.. fine.
Wasn't very happy because this watch is the one i really like.. some more it's my birthday present.. duh i really feel sad =( really feel dull.. hmmm.. i even tried to put double-sided tape to try to stick it together.. see the picture above.. its the hard piece of thing connecting the leather strap to the metal on the watch that is broken.. no help on this.. really.. i feel so helpless but seeing my watch left in the box...
Then, i would say pavilion is a good place.. i found sth which can match my watch... from fossil. Equally good leather.. and without the stupid piece of hard plastic that will break... i really take good care of the watch la.. but stil it's broken.. PLS dun buy tat brand of watch... u know wat brand.. the one with ESXXXT... sucks wey~it looks better with fossil leather strap.. RM99.00 spent but i can use my watch again.. yuhoo! i am happy now.. so i am gonna follow up my case in HTAR tomolo with my new Esprit-Fossil watch =D
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 4:29 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
BUSSssssssssy ~
I am real busy nowadays.. Hospital attachment 3 days a week, presentation the next day... then i have this law paper coming on fri.. i still drive to klang early in the morning and in the hospital is standing, standing, standing.. and sitting on an old bench which needs to balance myself with my partner.. hmm but i guess today's presentation goes well.. =D cheers~!
Tomorrow is another busy day, but i am glad that i was able to grab an opp. from payperpost the other day.. hmmm.. finally, kshih came back after her camp in terentak.. i dunno where it is la.. but she came back bringing sunburn, oedema in her feet and muscle pain and strain.. now i have my company back and i am not alone during the whole weekend where laundry and housework is all around me =)
Malaysia general election took place and its a new malaysia now.. let's see what will happen, and i am looking forward to see how this group of newly elected people bring changes - prosperity to the people, less corruption, more harmony and safety..
GOod day ahead tomorrow in HTAR, klang.
*Lack of photos recently.
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
black friday
Sometime i would just hope that shopping could be less hassle. Parking, queue up to pay, carrying all the bags.. walking around and sometime even have to find where is my car as i always forgot the carpark number. Then, if unlucky, someone would just have to pay for for losing the carpark ticket.
I wish sometime, shopping could just be easier.. Nowadays, keep looking at online shopping site until i find this Black friday
It's an online shopping site, with a combination of various stores.. from pc to speakers, cameras to watch, even books and jewels can be found. It has various coupons where you can use to get great discount during purchase, and there is this on going great deals or discount where you would save more money!One of my favourite merchant is wal mart, toy, electronics and even online pharmacy is there...!
I find it very helpful and i think online shopping is great! Without having to go out and go through all the hassle, siting at home comfortably and browsing through all this great deal with a cup of cappuccino is just great!
Labels: stuff
Posted by Unknown at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Missing ~
Something is missing.. and i think i am lost... 3 more nights to go...
Going back to the older era where there is no cell phones, no network coverage where you cant make a call when u leave your home... is it tough?
Going back to the time when you are doing all the things by yourself.. laundry, cleaning, eating, sleeping... is it really lonely?
sigh. it's just a matter on getting use. i am so pampered and spoiled.
Now, it kills.
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 6:43 AM 1 comments