Okay, today i am going to talk about my slipped disc/backache again. Hahaha.. yes, i got nothing better to do so i decided to research about supplements for my condition. To refresh: I am having slipped/herniated/buldging disc at lumbar spine - L4/L5 and a little bit, little littel on L5/S1 due to the condition on L4/L5. Currently taking celecoxib 200mg, norgesic which contains paracetamol and orphenadrine 35mg as well as neurobion. I have been taking the following supplements too but is not consistant - sometimes i take sometimes i forgot :p
So i went to the pharmacy - Sri Petaling, big and famous one - AA Pharmacy which opens 7 days a week. This is a very successful pharmacy as you actually can shop inside although it is only a shoplot. The supplement section is damn full of different brand and type and the rack is from the floor up til the roof. So, i went in to buy my usual medicine and also ask about supplement for my condition.
The pharmacist is very frank and sincere. He told me there is actually no clear/evidence based support on the supplement, but he said his customers did said that after taking the glucosamine+chondroitin, they experienced less pain and improved range of movement. So i bought and try. Also, previously i complaint of nocturnal leg cramping which disturbed my sleep. I have been taking the Amway Calcium/magnesium but no supply already and bought the kordel's liquid calcium. Initially, it didn't help but now, i seem to realise that the cramping is less and last night i sleep like a baby!~~~ yUHOOO~~~~
So, i also find out why previously the Kordel's calcium didn't work - i think i must have sick and brain not functioning that i took the calcium with celecoxib, norgesic and neurobion. Obviously, celecoxib absroption has been interrupted by the calcium which then cause decrease bioavailability and wasting my celecoxib. Now, i spare out 4hrs and my cramping is not there anymore. Pharmacokinetics is important here.
Okay, so i have to apply my knowledge acquired from EBM, finding articles to support my supplement efficacy on backache - it is true that there is no clinical study done on the efficacy of glucosamine+chondroitin on slipped disc but it's reported to helps in osteoarthritis of the knee. But there are also survey done in USA that the volunteers were taking glucosamine+chondroitin for 2 years and the MRI later shows improved buldging disc in some patients, no worsening of severe slipped disc and helps in degenerative back bone. But EBM wise, there is no established study yet.
OKay, i also seek alternative medicine. I went for acupuncture previously when i got a severe pain 3 weeks ago and put on the herbs/yellowish brownish liquid at my back. It did help, but i feel the acupuncture works like the interference therapy (IT) in physiotherapy that they supplied little amount of electrical stimulation to the pain area and ease the pain. So, i went for physiotherapy so i stop the acupuncture as i am kinda worried about the long and sharp needle sticking on my back. So, there is a list of PROHIBITS that i couldn't take during the pain period and also the rest of the time .. you know la the chinese tabib/sinseh always like to ask you don't eat this and don't eat that, for some reason western medicines permits you to eat everything (i am a pharmacy graduates, my textbook tell me there is no correlation but i am a chinese, so i still listen to the PROHIBITS).
Talking bout it, the pain period, i am not suppose to eat CHICKEN and EGG for the first 3-7 days. Which i fail as i have no appetite and i keep eating McD Chicken porridge. But after going to the tabib and see the list, i stopped and eat FIBER BREAD (Taste like grass) and char siew with white rice until i almost puke.. .hahahaha
So i am going to share the list of PROHIBITS here:

Life is really meaningless lo if i have to restric so much, but the good news is most of the things i don't eat so doesn't really affect much - BAKUTEH, cold drinks and banana only lo.. i will eat la when i feel that my back is ok.. but will reduce only... BAH~~ I MISS BAKUTEH
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