It's a peaceful day in a year.. that i love. Got my christmas present too.. and planned secret santa with the gang... =) also another christmas celebration nx year in 2009. Yes, plan to have one to replace the actual christmas dinner.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Josantoes has found the cause of back pain~
Okay, i suffered back pain, and officially diagnosed as slipped disc/herniation. I finally seek treatment as the pain kills me during my hospital placement as it got worst after a day sitting in the meeting room clerking case. Got worst as in suffering left leg weakness, pain and unable to sit and sleep well. This means that I haven't got a comfortable sleep during my past 2 weeks hospital placement and i have been taking pain killer as though i am taking my supplements.
So, went to sunway medical last friday to see the orthopedics, consultant orthopedics surgeon. Haha sounds great right? of course, the cost is great too.. but then, it is covered by insurances but i still have to pay first. Consultation fees RM80, meds RM69, physiotherapy RM179. Goodness... I think the hospital really earn a lot from the pharmacy, as the cost of the meds that i got if i buy it outside it would cost less than RM30. Neurobion cost around RM5-6, Norgesic RM4.80-5.50, celebrex not sure but i wont cost more than RM20... I think i should ask the doctor to write me a prescription and get the meds on my own.
RM179 physiotherapy includes Assessment, the stimulation electrodes, hot pack and stretching. Assessment means weighed me by using SECA balance, ask a few question, push pull my legs, put pressure on my back to find the pain area. Stimulation electrodes are 4 pads with short wires on it to hook to a machine which provide minimal electric stimulation to ease pain, hot pack simple means a plastic pack filled with warm water, the funny part is stretching, it is done by a machine, wrapping me up with belts and the machine will pull the muscle on my BUTT. Duh don't think it has great impact but my back got better after that so fine, i will continue
The most effective way for me, i think its the chiropractic. Sometimes, really have to believe in complementary medicines. The bulging left side of my leg obviously got smaller after the chiropractic, and each session is only RM40. Done 4 session already, and the last session i kinda enjoy le.. not pain but feel comfortable =) Read online that chiropractic helps in back pain though, so just continue.
My parents said since it is covered by insurance, including the chiropractic, so just continue the treatment. I think the insurance is great, because they pay for TABIB too.. XD but still, the money is not claimed yet as it will only required the claimed submission after i'm CURED. This means that my parents money is paying lo
Anyhow, thanks shyang for explaining the role of physiotherapy in Slipped disc.. i think the job of physiotherapist is kinda bored.. because i am bored too during the physiotherapy session :S
Posted by Unknown at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
FIRE: SMB Kuching high
This is a bit late to post as lots of people have blogged about it already. Shyang said the cause of fire is still unknown. but i think most probably is due to the old wiring, as the building is old, so old already.
Hopefully the gov/teochew association will come up with the budget to rebuild.
It has changed so much the last time i went to collect my brother's report card, some teachers have been transfered or retired, the headmaster also changed, and there are a lot of new faces. this means that i am getting old.
well, let's just hope that the school will be rebuild soon.
Labels: stuff
Posted by Unknown at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
1st week of pain, 48hours of pain free period~
haha.. it's the end of the hospital attachement. It's nice and cold. Yes, putrajaya hospital is cold, damn cold that i have to put on my lab coat for the whole day. despite the food suck, the attachment is great~ people there are nice, not scolding but proper guidance, most importantly, don't have to go to ward everyday, but sitting in a very freaking cold meeting room, clerking case from the computer, YES, COMPUTER!! no blood stain or whatever stain on the BHT, no searching of files from nurse, of course, no sick patient who make me feel sick.
However, my one week of pain came from my back. The whole semester 7, i feel the condition improving, but it's actually not. Its because i don't move that much, then the pain did not disturb me. This week, sitting and standing, walking and still sitting, everyday, i have to eat pain killer to control the pain. however, with all sorts of methods, i get through until 5pm, but when i reach vista, even half way walking back home, my left calf is stiff, and feeling weak. The best thing of the day is to lay down on my bed after attachment for 2-3 hours, let the leg rest and then only i am able to go out for dinner... that would be 8pm at least.
From the first day i got sprained, i am taking pain killer. From paracetamol joint and muscle 500mg TDS to 1000mg TDS, to diclofenac 25mg + muscle relaxant TDS, to diclofenac 50mg + muscle relaxant. Then, to taking norgesic TDS and taking Vitamin b1,6,12... diclofenac 50mg prn with norgesic TDS. then it is ok for the whole semester 7. First day of hospital attachment, norgesic can tahan for half day, then i have to take diclofenac 50mg, with salonplas patch to ease the stiffness and pain until 5... until wednesday, even diclofenac 50mg cannot help that i have to buy new pain killer - meloxicam 15mg/mobic. It freaks me out~!! that i have to take those meds for osteoarthritis. It even make me having insomnia, need to wake up at night, rubbing my back and calf with counterpain... then until friday... its a half day, i cannot tahan taking all these pain killer.. i am only 23, how can i take all these..!!
So, i decided to go to this "urut" place. I dun wan to go initially, because i am afraid that the urut thing will make it worst. I remember irene's leg, having blister with pus after going to urut at that place opposite carrefour. so i go to the one my landlord tell me last week...
well, in the end, i found out that it is chiropractic instead of those urut with smelly OIL... which will stain on the body.. then i am scared la.. but still, have to try mah... that tabib said my pelvic shifted to one side and tat's why the pain is there.. a nd i walk senget one side...ok lo.. it is like massage with some pressure apply on some point.. then form a posture and "piak" sound come out, doesn't hurt tat much tho... then put on those smelly liquid for 6 hours.
ok, so go home and sleep lo.. well, after i woke up... i am able to walk straightly.. and the stiffness gone. pain also gone.. wah! its only rm40!! then the nx day, and today, i went to walk and walk and walk in midvalley, buy mng and zara pants.. eat and eat.. i am so happy! PAIN free period,.. but then, now i am having stiffness again.. hehe mum said walk too much but its only 20% of those pain and stiffness i had previously~
ok, i am going again.. hopefully after a few session, i am able to walk straight and run like a mad cow! i miss those days that i am able to go taekwondo session, swimming everyday, jogging and even wash my car... at the moment, i can only lay down and watch movie.. and i am in love with meredith grey and addison montgomery!

Okay.. one more.. =) charmaine sheh.

ok lo.. will update again after tmr, and for your information, i am not taking any pills for pain! hahahahahah complementary medicine sometimes do work! ok la i know i am weird putting pictures up but i just wana express my love mah
Posted by Unknown at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
1/12/2008 marks the first day of sem 8. I'm not motivated nor prepared. I'm slightly better than layman but not competent enough to practice. That's what sem 8 is all about, polish my knowledge, build up confidence level, observe current hospital practice and maybe will get scolded. 8 to 5 working hour, hospital expensive yet not so delicious food and 30 PCPs plus written long case and presentation are not easy.
Tonight will be the last few hour of enjoyment and put a fullstop to my wonderful sem 7.
Josantoes has been lazy and rest long enough... hospital... i hate you!
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 7:47 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Canton-i in The Garden
Whee~ Finally tried this restaurant, newly open in The Garden, from Dragon-i group of restaurant -- > Canton-i. It serves hong kong food, but definitely better than KimG*ry orWongK*K.. The pictures below are taken from MASAK-MASAK food blog =) That owner ate exactly what i ate with kshih just now but we did order the taufu fah - San SHui tau fu fah that always been mentioned in TVB movie ( i think the sri petaling botak apek makes better taufufah lo...

The exterior, this is the 1u outlet but they look exactly the same. So many people waiting and i think it took us around 30mins to wait for 2 seat and we got the middle table which is very close to the two table besides.. the couple sat on my left side really served as entertainment show for both kshih and i, i will tell the story later
Okay, this is what i eat -> dry wanton mee with 2 roast combination

serve with: 1) Roasted Pork (sio bak)

Honey roasted Pork (char sio)
Aduh, the char sio is nice lo, not so fat and not so lean... yum yum...oh we did order one portion of chicken but sorry la, cant find any pic here.. kshih said the chicken is nice, as it is tender and not so well cook. of coz i dun eat that much, as there is blood coming out from the bone and i dun like it le...
okay, kshih ordered the signature shrimp wanton soup noodle. the MASAK MASAK blog only show the shrimp, so i only can put the shrimp here lo

Then, we order the egg tart which is very nice as well.. There is this LCD outside the shop keep showing the process of making the signature dishes and we saw the egg tart. WAH really make my stomach make noise le.. so we order lo

GOodness, before their food come, they are talking and talking about what to eat lo.. then suddenly the waiter come and take their order, the waiter speak chinese to the lady. but the lady answered in english, talking to the boyfriend le telling him what she wants i suppose and not talking to the waiter. ok lo, the boyfriend makes the order in cantonese while the girl continue ignoring the waiter (with one kind of bitchy and i-am-so-high-class look)
okla, initially i thought she might be a banana and she cannot understand mandarin so she speak english to the boyfriend and ask the boyfriend to order food for her. Manatau when i carefully listen to their conversation...
the boyfriend: Eh, today is exactly one month the day we go taiwan ho
girl: err hmmm..
the boyfriend: ... (continue bla bla bla dunno what he say la i didnt pay attention)
girl: the restaurant at where one le?
(oh my god!!! some pseudo-banana speak "london"/pseudo-english with terms like AT WHERE)
the boyfriend: oh i think food upstairs restaurant better ho (then bla bla bla again)
girl: oh, thing i want to buy one is not this shop one, the one i want is the other shop one
(pseudo-banana, got so many one this and one that is it...???)
then i was like =.=|||.. your english not so good also, pls dun pretend like you do.
It's like oh my god~ pls lo... if you go to english speaking restaurant like italianese, chillis, fair enough lo you can speak english and speak in whatever standard also no one would say a word lo.. but this is a chinese speaking restaurant, and the waiter all speak cantonese or mandarin, dun go pretend you are damn good in english speaking and behave like tat.. aduh.. really cannot tahan ppl like this =.=
i have many banana fren also, and i never heard this term "at where" and so many "one" in their conversation lo.. sigh.. but good la got entertainment mah wahahahahahaha
yeah, my english is not so damn good, but at least i am not like tat lo.. -.-|||
Posted by Unknown at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
After the celebration in Souled out, Meeishya and Pingwei's birthday, I went to malacca the next day to celebrate steph's birthday. This is taken at the jetty, a new place near Dataran and Mahkota Parade. It's kinda hard to get to the cafe, though and they have this club car to fetch us from one end to the very end of the jetty, took around 1-2 mins, but walking probably needs

Wonder when can get everyone to gather together again. Nx sem, seems like all of us have been posted to different places....
Ipoh : Pingwei
PutraJaya : ME!!
Serdang : Phuilin
Seremban : Carol, Michie
Malacca : Laipeng, steph, sinqi
Even new year, visiting is hard to arrange too =(
Labels: life, nightout without you
Posted by Unknown at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
D-Link Router - You S*ck!
My stupid D-link router which we bought at Rm280 died this afternoon. Yes, we got conned by the stupid TIMES broadband one and only contractor 2 years ago when we applied broadband and know nothing about router. Stupid idiot bring the router to our house, keep cursing the router but know nothing in setting up the router and keep saying Chao Cheebye, cheebye router, how this cheebye.. keep cheebye up and down but the router don't seems to work and we all hate him!
And you know what, i tried setting up the router after he left and it only spend me less than 15 minutes. Means that stupid contractor don't know how to set up a router but he blady hell idiot charged us RM280 for that. What to do, we all so "der" that time and pay lo~ but i did find out that it actually cost RM180 that time. =.=|||
Once in awhile, the router become crazy and always need to reset it. Nvm la i will do all that, but what the hell, it die today..GEeezzz can't you last for another 6 months???? Sigh, i have to give this news to eefen when she just reached home and havent even unpack her luggage. Sms christine and ching ching and tell them about this during their sweet holiday in Sabah! Stupid D-Link!! i doubt if the stupid contractor gives me 2nd hand router!!
I just need to complain. Buy new one also good la, i don't have to reset the router so often, save all the trouble. The router can online for awhile then suddenly the wireless access point gone! very angry la sometime, but nvm it will end tmr.. when i got a new one!
UPDATE 13/11/2008
Ok lo i go and buy new router.. Aztech WL830RT4. Goodness, happily buy the router and eat kfc. In the end go back home and try the damn router cannot function. Did the same configuration for it as i did for the D link router.. then cannot. I even wake up early today at 11am to do again.. .shit la still cannot.
Then eefen suggest maybe can call back the shop and ask to change to another router. ok lo, call lo then they allow us to change ma.. so changed already to another brand.. ate MOVE IT meal tat at least cheer me up go back and try configure... SAME.
Now i am using other ppl's WIFI.. why i have to subscribe and still using other ppl's wifi!!!! DAMN it.. ROuter.. when can u work again!!! anyone who can do router configuration for TIME broadband pls come and help me...!!!
I think i am damn pissed now.. all my words are continuous...!
UPDATE again
Okay after seeking help from steph's bro, keying in default gateway into the router (LAN TCP/IP), PPPoE connected but the IP is still sigh...
UPDATE 21/11/2008: Josantoes proudly announced that the wireless router is working!
After almost 10 days of sharing the single port connection, the wireless is finally back. Special thanks to steph and her bro for helping me in configuring the router and thanks to time ppl who willingly re-configure the modem making the router works again~ Wheee~ However, this second guy is a good guy, while the first guy who came last few days is not! I doubt if he purposely make my modem allow single connection~ Hmmm but its ok la.. I am happy already. BTW, going to get eefen's wireless adapter too so that she can share the joy of using internet. I know, life is really lonely and miserable without internet. XD hahahaahha
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Birthday celebration!
Birthday celebration.. Hmmm i like to attend other ppl's birthday celebration, but my own? Hmm i like to keep myself in one corner or some simple celebration with close friends, thinking about the past, about what i used to be, who i used to have and the time when all my previous celebrations that have taken place :)
The most recent celebration will be gian wan's, then the coming up ones will be pingwei and meeishya's, then steph's. It's like birthday season when it comes to the 2nd half of a year.. with all these birthdays coming up, this also means that 2008 is coming to an end... I will be graduating next year.. So, time really flies!
This is taken during gian wan's birthday at Tony Roma, with steph and laipeng, kshih and charlyn. Hmmm.. I would like to complement myself again.. I am definitely thinner (compared to the time when the group came to kch XD)
Hahahaha.. i just wanna post picture =)
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
BR's Chocolate Fondue
Yes. Finally i have a taste of BR chocolate fondue. Since BR has an outlet in The Gardens, i have always wanted to try. =) today we went to meet wee in MV and we decided to order BR chocolate fondue and it is better than HD.

HD has lots of cookies and fruit and is more expensive.
SO, BR is better!

When ice-cream dips into the warm pool of chocolate, it hardens and form a coat on the ice-cream.. Whee~ josantoes likes it!
And wee is here! Weekend will be more colorful with you in KL..
Maybe we shall go down to kuantan and arrange BBQ XD
Labels: Food
Posted by Unknown at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Josantoes is back in KL
Yuhoo... Josantoes is back to KL.. Start to plan my thesis, hope to do a good work.. Back to Kch, spend more time with my family, watching tv for all of my time at home, talk to my bro, help them "ponteng" by fetching them back earlier, eat the kuching food and do the kuching thing XD
So, after a week, rest and sleep.. also, Josantoes finally can walk straight.. if you ask me how i manage to heal my leg and be able to walk normal.. I also dunno.. i took new muscle relaxant that i have at home, decrease the dose of diclofenac that i self prescribed because it is not so much of pain but stiffness still persist, worship to get rid of unwanted power that might make my leg getting worst (i know i am superstitious, but as long as my leg can heal, it doesn't matter), learn to walk straight as my aunty and mum and grandma said i walk like i have big ass, use massage chair that i love so much, stop stretching and i eat good food that my grandma cooked! so i also don't know what makes it feel better~
Thanks grandma for cooking all the food i like: bakuteh, kachang-ma, fish, pork-cake(grandma recipe), whole tupperware container of keropok (also grandma recipe), prepare fried onion and blended chillis for me to bring back to kl. thank you very much.
Thanks to my mum and dad for bringing me to eat all the seafood that i like: Big prawns, olyster pan cake, salad chicken, salted egg crab... yes, i eat seafood until my and grandma's cholesterol got higher... XD
Thanks to my bro for going back from school ealier to eat lunch with me, watching and buying dvd with me, eat ice-cream and spend every afternoon lepaking, talking and watchin tv with me. FYI, they are having SPM on 11/11/2008... Wish both of u all the best and thanks for accompanying me even though u people have exam (yes, they are my brotherS, twin brothers)This is taken in the park, yes, i went jogging and walking in the evening.. 3 rounds and i am laying down on the bench. I feel sleepy after that... Wonder why i am so tired.. slept right after i came back from midvalley yesterday, 14hours until 12pm today.
Posted by Unknown at 7:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yes, officially on vacation with dissertation preparation, due date is 1 december so still early XD
Josantoes begins the vacation with a HK drame - the four. Kinda lame right the name, why don't choose a better one??? It's a zaman dahulu movie, no choice but to watch as this is the one left after Last one standing and the new 80 episodes movie only shows until 5 or 6, no point watching yet..
Hoho, long time didn't show picture of myself, so i will show this, taken in Dragon-i, midvalley, celebrating phylis birthday~ i will go back to kch on 30/10 and come back in a week~ Watch Axn whole day, eat home cook food, download movie. Yes, i am comforting myself, because dissertation is another 4 credit hour that i have to work on~ wish me luck k.
Labels: movie, Study time
Posted by Unknown at 11:42 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Josantoes has got a tag from beloved Michiko! Hehe.. Since I'm bored with editing slides, i will just do the tag~
1. The tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there’s no need to do this AGAIN.
5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE. FUN. DOING. IT
Okay, I will mention who i want to tag first. People, do it for fun~
1. Dodotay - do it emo kid!
2. Shyang - take a break after your exam
3. Doug - although u have Cass, do when u are free la
4. Carol - hehe.. do after our presentation although u have your "beh" already
5. Wee - Although your blog is dead, activate it!
6. Chauz
7. Michie
8. .... Run out of idea who to tag already =.=|||
* not all will do but i just wanna tag la~
I will summarise all 8 points about my perfect lover. Okay, I prefer him/her to be called a companion whom i adore.
1. Appearance: You do not need to be super attractive but not too bad looking. Staright hair as I don't like curl hair, double eye-lid because i want to know you are looking at me, not too tall as i don't wanna look short and most importantly, you have to smell good using the right perfume as i am quite sensitive to smell.
2. Intelligence: You do not need to be super intelligent, don't need to be a JPA scholar, please don't study medic as you won't have time for me, but about the same as me and i am not so intelligent also so I don't need you to be super brilliant. It makes me feel stupid. Haha...
3. Patience: You need to be full of patience as I tend to be very emotional sometimes and my emotion change very fast. You need to teach me right and wrong as sometimes i am really stubborn.
4. Allow me to eat what i want. I can eat the same type of food at the same place for more than 3 times a week, so you have to bare with me lo... Remind me about my cholesterol but let me eat the food i like once in a while (e.g. fried chicken)
5. Someone who are there everytime. This is easy as you only need your phone to be on 24 hours and make sure i can reach you~
6. Someone who loves me of coz. Hmmm.. this is important, as i don't prefer to be with some one who loves me more or i love more, I need a 2 way relationship, equal amount of taking and giving.
7. Someone who don't club. I know its cool to dance gracefully, but i don't need a dancer. Drinking is fine, but not clubbing. Once in awhile is fine, but not scheduled specific days like every week or every month. The smoke and sweat smell make me sick when they stained on your hair.
8. Someone who have all the above. So do you think i found someone like that?
Posted by Unknown at 9:10 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Do you remember?


okay, final one, spend the night in london~
Hehe.. Just some boring stuff while i am doing slides..
Cannot tahan already la
Posted by Unknown at 12:09 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
One way to take away PAIN
Yes, I am suffering from chronic pain. Not as pain as those cancer pain or what, I would say its an inconvenience and discomfort. I cannot sit on my IKEA chair which i loved, I cannot sit on the floor for too long, I cannot sit and drive... It's a feeling of "sour" mixed "stiffness" around my left calf, and higher level of sour+stiffness+someone pinched from inside around the left side of my back, the part that is directly on top of my butt. Remember the Lower Back Pain post around beginning of june? Yes, the pain is gone, but substitute with this.. .
Hmmm.. i start doing stretching like those i did for taekwondo last time.. hmmm.. then it helps a little, that i don't have to take vitamin B, muscle relaxant and pain killer.. Then i start to go jogging with steph.. go gym when kshih has badminton competition/short class... I run only~

Look at the left, it is so much bigger than the right.
Look at the legs, the first picture shows the difference from the second picture!
Exercise can help in chronic pain, so today i really feel it. Kshih's badminton competition got delayed, so i did extra time for threadmill, 1 1/2 hours total. Then that 1 1/2 hours really pain free. It is the pain free period that i had after the sprain on 27 May 2008, at the barbecue place in Kuchai (Trust me, i didnt go back after that incident!)
Mayo clinic site says exercise stimulate the body to release endorphin, which is the body's natural pain reliever by blocking the pain signal from reaching the brain. =D Endorphin is great. The effect can be as strong as Morphine =)
Posted by Unknown at 6:55 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The new drama
The Hongkong drama.. Lat one standing. Aduh, i damn angry la watching tat drama. SOme more its episode 18, 19 and 20 did not come out, although today its wednesday. Stupid! I don't know why I am so attached la
This show - Roger Kwok is the bad guy. Although he has such good image, he is so bad now.. I really feel like slapping him. Goodness.. SO bad. Never mind, i will share the ending after i finish watching.. I am still waiting for episodes 19 and 20. I finished episode 18, I really hope kevin cheng manage to find the truth, but i think sure it will end beautifully ~
Labels: movie
Posted by Unknown at 10:42 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
... My achievement so far...
Hehe.. the title sounds like i am talking about thesis, or talking about how i have improve my life.. but it's not. .hehehe... ok.. i am gonna show my fattest picture now~Scary wei.. looks like every single cell/fat/adipose tissue is gonna squeeze out! Even i look at it now also OMG!!!! Kia si lang, xia shi ren, hak sei yan, kiang si ngin or whatever u like to say =.=|||
(fyi, i have 3 range of clothes ready as i know my weight fluctuate and goes up and down)
Then, August 2008, we attend wee and charlyn's graduation.. with this pic below...

This is the middle range shirt, which i cant wear when i am as fat as the first picture and has been in the cupboard for very long time ( i don't remember the last time wearing it as its too long ago and i think i wore less than 5 times until this pic is taken)
This is 3-4kgs lost after the first pic.
Then now...
With sitting some more my tummy does not pop out and say hello..
With the same shirt in the second picture...
And, this is after 5-6 kg from the first pic...
Okay la, show one more..
Okay, side by side comparison!

Changes observed: Double chin thicker on the left, neck is "longer" in black
Steph says look nicer with exercise.
Yes, so i will continue to go jogging and of course, i will eat..
Josantoes is colourless without eating!!
Josantoes had a party just now.. yes, birthday party @ souled out sri hartamas..!
More picture to come.. but put this on first..
She is damn happy la tonight, because phuilin said "how come she can still look pretty in this hat"
And she blushed
hhahhahaha she can't sleep la.. happy until she can't sleep of course!!
But then, sorry la, u have to go camp later and you will look ugly in your camping photos.
Bye bye, have fun in Sg Congkak and see you on sunday~
Posted by Unknown at 12:48 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
FOOD food and Food : FATTY BAK KUT TEH
Yes, i know... I am talking about food again. I just want to share what i eat recently. Last night went to Fatty Bak Kut Teh in Old Klang road... I think it is nice.. Well, compared to the subang's, i prefer this one as it is nearer, the meat got more taste, they give a lot of fried onion for the vege and the vege don't have vege smell.. most importantly the waiters and waitress are very friendly..
Okay, a few pictures.. from Aprilcherrie Okay la, i take picture from other ppl mah.. lazy to take picture also... too hungry! And well, this fatty has its own website.. cool leh!!

This is the exact pot we had..
The soup is superb! Thick one wei... and they are not stingy, we ask them to add soup and they really add until full pot!
Aduh, the bad thing is their yau cha kuai is not nice at all.. not crispy but very soft and a bit oily, then they keep introducing dishes which i don't quite like, they will also say your order is not enough to eat la and keep bla bla bla asking u to order more.. but then its okay la.. hehe
Nice bak kut teh!! Think tonight will go and eat teochew restaurant again. I have a 6th sense that kshih will bug me to go. Okay, off to jogging!! Yes, josantoes is healthy!
Labels: Food
Posted by Unknown at 3:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Food Food and food!!
Nowadays i have found new love.. It's near.. Old klang road and it has a lot of food all the time.. hehe okay, the picture i am putting now take from and a food blog.. yes, i don't really take picture of the food as i always started eating before i remember about taking picture..
Went there 3 times already - saturday, sunday and monday... =D

This is what you'll see when you walk in the shop.. damn a lot of food lo
Kshih and charlyn loves the intestine in black soup.. its the bottom right corner of the above picture .. they say taste like Kueh Chap in kuching =D

Today i try new things... erm "BAK PIA" which is pork cake (just like fish cake) !
The boss speaks teochew.. =D teochew sounds like hokkien..
OH, i forgot to say about the name... its BING HUA TEOCHEW RESTAURANT
they serve porridge and rice with those dishes that you can choose lo
The boss is a penangite, chinese who is a teochew and he owns this restaurant.
*SWEAT -.-|||
Labels: Food
Posted by Unknown at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Josantoes likes CROCS~
This is the exact pair i bought.. i know i should have taken a pic of it but then..
Yes, i don't have a camera =)

Well.. I always didn't want to buy because i thought i would like those slippers from Nike or Adidas.. well, CROCS is very very comfortable.. I am saving to buy my parents a pair of crocs.. hehe my dad is one size bigger and my mum is same size as me! So it's easy to buy right? heheheheh... Well, speaking of slippers/flip flop or whatever you like to call it.. i think the slipper that i regret buying (MOST) is the quiksilver... Damn it, the printing came out after 2 days.. well, i wore to steph's birthday party that time.. Sem 3?? Too long ago.. I bought it at RM79.90 in KLCC.. hell ya, i remember where and how much i paid!

this again, i search from google image.. haha got exactly the same type of asadi-crocs like that i have... but mine looks old and it's slippery!
Yes, i don't have a camera to take my own picture, but i am okay with it =)
Posted by Unknown at 7:52 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Yes, wretch. I sign up for wretch. Erm.. it's chinese blogspot i should say. Not blogspot in chinese. But some thing like blogspot, and all the thing is in chinese. Yes, i sign up but i blogged in english.
Right.. why i sign up since i already have blogspot... I sign up to view someone's wretch.
Sometime, you just like a person without any valid reason and that someone don't even know me. Damn it i sound like a stalker...
... chill la.. it's just a singer. Oh, its a girl who took part in One in a Million in Taiwan.. I dunno why la i just like her voice and her style of singing...
If one day she email me, i think i will faint and i wont dare to reply. WHeeeeeeee... it might be spam right? how could a singer reply my mail. it's ridiculous... =D
Labels: ^o^
Posted by Unknown at 9:50 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Yay! it's a holiday again - a week break from research and thesis. Hehe.. well i am still editing but no doing it for these few days maybe.
The previous few posts are just some emo episodes. It happens to people all the time. Hmmm... But then it's not a big deal =) It's some random emotions that i have after seeing and listening stories, of course undergoing some down moments. I am glad it's over!~
This break is movie-ing, shopping.. sigh, malacca trip canceled as car not able to get servicing appointment slots (the raya and there are lots of people), hotel fully booked..
well, still holidaying! =D whee~
Labels: life
Posted by Unknown at 12:04 PM 1 comments